Sebelum mengerjakan soal, harap baca dan catat penjelasan tentang Past Simple di sini.
Latihan 1 (group work - vocabulary):
Ubah kata-kata berikut menjadi bentuk past simple (verb 2). Kerjakan secara berkelompok (4-5 orang), dan tulis soal dan jawaban di buku masing-masing: (contoh: touch -> touched) Perhatikan regular dan irregular verb!
Regular verb:
- work (bekerja)
- play (bermain)
- watch (menonton)
- study (belajar)
- clean (membersihkan)
- cook (memasak)
- dance (menari)
- listen (mendengarkan)
- jump (loncat)
- wash (mencuci)
Irregular verb:
- go (pergi)
- eat (makan)
- see (melihat)
- have (memiliki)
- make (membuat)
- take (mengambil)
- give (memberi)
- do (melakukan)
- say (mengatakan)
- get (mendapatkan)
Latihan 2 (group work- gap filling):
Isilah ruang yang kosong pada kalimat di bawah ini menggunakan kata di dalam kurung. Jangan lupa ubah kata tersebut menjadi verb 2! Kerjakan secara berkelompok (4-5 orang), dan tulis soal dan jawaban di buku masing-masing.
- I _____ (eat) breakfast at 7 o'clock yesterday.
- They _____ (go) to the mall last Sunday.
- We _____ (watch) a movie last Friday.
- She _____ (study) for her exams last week.
- He _____ (drive) his car to work last month.
- I _____ (meet) my friend at the park the day before yesterday.
- They _____ (visit) their grandparents last year.
- We _____ (have) a party last New Year's Eve.
- She _____ (make) dinner for the family last night.
- He _____ (do) his homework last night.
Contoh: I _____ (walk) to school yesterday.
I walked to school yesterday.
Latihan 3 (individual - writing from cues):
Buat kalimat dengan menggunakan kata-kata di bawah ini. Kerjakan secara individu.
- Woke up
- Had breakfast
- Went to school
- Did homework
- Slept
Contoh: played football
I played football yesterday.
Latihan 4 (individual - writing):
Buat cerita menggunakan past simple tentang apa yang kamu lakukan kemarin.
Yesterday was a busy day for me. I woke up at 6 AM and got ready for work. I had a meeting at the office at 9 AM, so I left my house at 8 AM. I took the bus to get to the office. The meeting lasted for two hours. After the meeting, I had lunch with my colleagues at a nearby restaurant. In the afternoon, I worked on a project for a client. I finished my work at 6 PM and went home. I was tired when I got home, so I took a shower and went to bed at 10 PM.
Quizizz: (quiz link will be provided by Mr. Fajar)
Past Simple Quizizz
kelas 8