Past Simple: Latihan

Sebelum mengerjakan soal, harap baca dan catat penjelasan tentang Past Simple di sini.

Latihan 1 (group work - vocabulary):

Ubah kata-kata berikut menjadi bentuk past simple (verb 2). Kerjakan secara berkelompok (4-5 orang), dan tulis soal dan jawaban di buku masing-masing: (contoh: touch -> touched) Perhatikan regular dan irregular verb!

Regular verb:
  1. work (bekerja)
  2. play (bermain)
  3. watch (menonton)
  4. study (belajar)
  5. clean (membersihkan)
  6. cook (memasak)
  7. dance (menari)
  8. listen (mendengarkan)
  9. jump (loncat)
  10. wash (mencuci)

Irregular verb:
  1. go (pergi)
  2. eat (makan)
  3. see (melihat)
  4. have (memiliki)
  5. make (membuat)
  6. take (mengambil)
  7. give (memberi)
  8. do (melakukan)
  9. say (mengatakan)
  10. get (mendapatkan)


Latihan 2 (group work- gap filling):

Isilah ruang yang kosong pada kalimat di bawah ini menggunakan kata di dalam kurung. Jangan lupa ubah kata tersebut menjadi verb 2! Kerjakan secara berkelompok (4-5 orang), dan tulis soal dan jawaban di buku masing-masing.
  1. I _____ (eat) breakfast at 7 o'clock yesterday.
  2. They _____ (go) to the mall last Sunday.
  3. We _____ (watch) a movie last Friday.
  4. She _____ (study) for her exams last week.
  5. He _____ (drive) his car to work last month.
  6. I _____ (meet) my friend at the park the day before yesterday.
  7. They _____ (visit) their grandparents last year.
  8. We _____ (have) a party last New Year's Eve.
  9. She _____ (make) dinner for the family last night.
  10. He _____ (do) his homework last night.

Contoh: I _____ (walk) to school yesterday.
walked to school yesterday.

    Latihan 3 (individual - writing from cues):

    Buat kalimat dengan menggunakan kata-kata di bawah ini. Kerjakan secara individu.
    1. Woke up
    2. Had breakfast
    3. Went to school
    4. Did homework
    5. Slept

    Contoh: played football
    I played football yesterday.


    Latihan 4 (individual - writing):

    Buat cerita menggunakan past simple tentang apa yang kamu lakukan kemarin.

    Yesterday was a busy day for me. I woke up at 6 AM and got ready for work. I had a meeting at the office at 9 AM, so I left my house at 8 AM. I took the bus to get to the office. The meeting lasted for two hours. After the meeting, I had lunch with my colleagues at a nearby restaurant. In the afternoon, I worked on a project for a client. I finished my work at 6 PM and went home. I was tired when I got home, so I took a shower and went to bed at 10 PM.

    Quizizz: (quiz link will be provided by Mr. Fajar)

    Past Simple Quizizz
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